piątek, lutego 25, 2005

I want to live in fire
with all the taste I desire
it’s all good if you let me dive
with some sharks on the ground

you loose your routine
you loose your routine
you loose your routine
cause I found my path

what the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it’s all in you

what do you came for
what did you expect to find
what do you came for
what did you expect to find
what do you came for
what did you expect to find
what do you came for
what did you expect to find

so boundless I feel
and boundless all my fears
stop running back to old times

you loose your routine
cause I found my path

what the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it’s all in you

what the hell are you trying
now I know there is something more
what happened to you
still staying on my path
are you still denying
now I know there is something more
that this is the truth
it’s all in you
nadwrazliwcy... sud-r.lama.net.pl

czwartek, lutego 24, 2005

czasem mam ochote spaść i potłuc się
jak kryształowa waza

niedziela, lutego 20, 2005

rób co chcesz bylebyś nie stał się tchórzem, kłamcą, emocjonalnym oszustem, dziwką

-śniadanie u tiffany'ego-

czwartek, lutego 03, 2005


Leżę na łące,
Nikogo nie ma: ja i słońce.

Ciszą nabrzmiałą i wezbraną
Napływa myśl:
- To pachnie siano.

Wiatr ciągnie po trawach z szelestem,
A u góry
Siostry moje, białe chmury,
Wędrują na wschód.

Czy nie za wiele mi, że jestem?